It's hard to believe that it has only been a week since we got home from Florida. With not being able to run, it seems like it has been much, much longer. But I've jumped ahead, so I'll rewind back to Disney....
I know I've mentioned my leg issues leading up to the race. Sartorius? ITB? Hip? I'd put in some mileage after my slip in the snow, but not much, and zero miles the week before the trip. I was in a pretty good amount of pain, mostly knee, on the flight and the first several days at the park found myself limping along having to ask the family to slow down. I'd gone from concern about a DNF to real fears of a DNS. Seeing everyone in their medals and playing games of identify the running shoes on Thursday and Friday had me alternating between excited highs and near-to-tears lows. Saturday morning, taking the monorail from Epcot to the Magic Kingdom and seeing all of the volunteers on the course getting water stations set up, the Black Pearl and Captain Jack Sparrow and several high school marching bands getting out of school buses and set up on course had me so pumped up! I decided a DNS was not even an option and if I ended up walking the thing it would be better than nothing.
Saturday night we had lights out at a little after 9:30pm, and after triple checking that the two alarms we had set were indeed set, settled down and fell asleep pretty quickly. Woke up around 2 to use the bathroom, was fearful that I would be up from this point on, but fell back asleep to be woken by the alarm at 3am. Felt really excited. Leg/hip/knee wasn't yelling at me. Ate half a bagel with peanut butter and drank some water. Stuck my head out the door to check weather, see if it was as amazing as what had been forecast, and it was! Clear sky, no humidity and temps in the mid 50's. Lovely! Grabbed my clothes, got dressed, strapped on my garmin, vacillated between socks for a few seconds, then got my Brooks PureFlow 2 laced up and hubby and I took off. Probably about 4am when we headed out to the bus stop.
Saturday's ride over to Epcot on the bus was a nonevent for Kate and I. Sunday morning, this morning, was a nail biter. We got to the bus stop to find probably 20 runners and at least as many spectators waiting to catch a bus. Not a huge deal since the buses are full sized, seat tons, Greyhound style buses. But buses were passing our stop because they were full. The drivers would put on the interior lights as they passed to show us just how full they were. Apparently this had been going on for about 10 minutes.
We had only been waiting about 5 minutes when a bus pulled up that was 3/4 full. Several of the spectator only folks immediately stepped back and said not to worry about them, they could wait for a later transport. Then a booming, very authoritative voice started calling for runners only, by corral. Good idea. There were only 2 runners left when all the seats had been filled and the driver started closing the bus door. Turns out that the booming voice was not a runDisney employee as I had initially thought, but just a runner and he yelled out, "Don't leave anyone behind! We'll make room!!". And we did. People scootched together in seats so that three could sit in seat designated for two. And no runners were left behind. Even Phil was able to come with me to the start, which made me very happy!
So off we rolled for the 10 minute bus ride to Epcot from our resort. Only it wasn't 10 minutes. It took an hour. One hour to go what should have only taken 10 minutes. Traffic was unreal on the road to Epcot. You would have thought that each of the 20,000 runners had each driven in their own car. The longer we sat, not making progress, the more antsy folks got. I'll remind you that it is a 20 minute walk to the starting corrals. That doesn't include if you have to go through security because you have a bag or need to check that bag at bag check. And forget about that last minute trip to the porta potty. I may be wrong, but I don't think they are going to hold the start of the race just because traffic was heavy.
At 5:10 am we hop off the bus and join the mass of humanity heading for the Explore Lot (where the security bag check is located), then on to the Wonder Lot (where bag check and porta pottys are located) and then on to the corrals.
Long, nerve racking story later, we jogged (and hip screamed in fury) our way to the entrance area. Fortunately I didn't have any bags with me so I was able to avoid that line, then we made our way on to the bag check area which is where runners pass through to get to the road to the corrals. Phil said goodbye there and off I went, more trotting (along with many others) to make my way to the corrals. Just before the corral area, the runners are split, with corrals A-H going to the left and I-P to the right. That split thinned the crowd with only a quarter of the runners heading off to the left (I was in H corral), so that helped quite a bit with being able to move forward swiftly. I rounded the bend and could see my corral, fortunately the closest one, when the National Anthem started up. Most of us stopped. Those that continued forward I would imagine were in one of the first couple of corrals. They still probably should have waited but I understand why they kept moving. I'm sure that once the race got underway and the corrals began moving forward, if you were not in your corral you probably would have been placed in a corral further back.
After the National Anthem, I had plenty of time (a few minutes) to get into H corral and make my way close to the 4:30 pacer. I hadn't had a chance to speak to her at the Expo and obviously missed the chance before the start, but I was curious what her water stop strategy was. Some walk the water stations, some do not. I have not yet mastered the ability to drink and run at the same time so I usually walk the aid stations. Plus I had a few gels and planned on taking one at the 4 mile water stop and again at the 8, since food wouldn't be offered until close to mile 12 and power aide, the drink offered, is not one of my favorites.
And then it was start time! It's funny because leading up to today, I figured I'd have all this waiting time in the corral before the race got going. Figured if I didn't find someone to chat with, I'd listen to a podcast, or music to pass the time. Thanks to the crazy traffic, I had almost no wait time. Mickey began his count down for the first athletes, the wheelchair division, to start. He yelled "Go!" and then the sky was lit up with the first of many rounds of fireworks to mark the start. This was my view of the first "go" from corral H.
I put away my phone and began the slow march up to the starting line. It was fun listening to the starters talking to the crowd ahead of us and as we got closer I could see the jumbo tron and all the runners up ahead starting out on their 26.2 mile adventure! It took no time at all for us to reach the start and have our own countdown from Mickey and our set of fireworks (it was probably 5:50am?), and then off we went!
The first couple hundred yards really were brutal for my hip. I was feeling really uncertain about whether or not I had made the right decision to go through with the race. But then, nothing. No pain. So I kept my eyes locked on the pacer balloon dancing up ahead and just enjoyed running again.
I trucked along with the pace group, never getting more than 4 people deep away from the actual pacer, but found several taller people who were running with the group that I could keep an eye on when the course narrowed and I'd lose sight of her. Started talking with a few folks in the group, two from Florida and one from Pittsburg, and the miles quickly rolled by. At the first water stop, which was 2 miles in, I noticed that our pacer didn't stop. I didn't know if this was her plan for the entire race or just the first since it was so early into the run. I didn't grab anything, but kept trotting along with her in sight.
The crowd of runners was really thick. It made it difficult to see when a water stop was approaching, plus I was too far back from my pacer to hear her (sometimes they will call out "water!"), so when we got to the next water (when I was planning on gelling) it came up so unexpectedly that I couldn't get my gel out quickly enough to have eaten it and then wash it down with water, all while running....cause pacer still wasn't stopping and I was having trouble keeping her in sight. I grabbed a water, drank as much as I could and then scurried to get closer to her. From that point on, I kept myself really close to her. My hope was that I could anticipate, with my garmin, when the next water might be coming up and be able to get slightly ahead of her so I could gel and hydrate. Well, my garmin was off. Not by much but by the end of the race it told me I had run just over 27 miles. So I did the best I could with staying hydrated and ended up not getting a gel til close to mile 8. I wasn't feeling like I was lacking energy or not hydrated enough, it just wasn't going according to my original plan. And I know that if you feel like you need food or water, then it is too late!
Running through the Magic Kingdom was so much fun and just whooshed by! I saw Phil on Main Street, about at the same point I had waited with Kate on Saturday to see Alex. That was super exciting and he had a huge smile and a big thumbs up for me, especially knowing all of the pre-race angst....After Main Street we took a right to run through Tomorrowland and then made our way to Cinderella's Castle. It really was lovely, all lit up in the dark morning. I was torn, kind of wanting to stop for a picture in front of the castle, but not wanting to lose my group. Plus sometimes when I make a long stop during a run it is difficult to get going comfortably again and at this point I really felt good.
We left the castle, ran past the place we had nutella and fruit waffle sandwiches for breakfast (yum) on Friday, through Frontierland, over the train tracks with the engine and engineers cheering us along and then we were out. Finished with our first of four parks, 19 miles to go!!
A huge suprise was awaiting me...I saw Phil again!! So unexpected, but he was waiting just after mile 8 when we were heading into the parking lot of the Walt Disney World Speedway! Another boost and off I went towards the Speedway. There was a steep down, under a tunnel (the speedway itself, I think) and then a steep climb back up on to the track. Loads of cool cars, including Herbie, the Love Bug, on the track and a soundtrack of engine noise to accompany us.
Once we popped out of there, it was only a couple of miles to Animal Kingdom. I was still keeping up with my 10:30 pace group when at about mile 12 I starting seeing signs that said "who let the dogs out?" and "woof, woof, woof, woof". And then I had to make my first character stop! Doug from Up, Bolt and Pluto were all standing in front of a giant doghouse!
The line wasn't too long and actually moved rather quickly, with one official Disney photographer and two helpers that would take your camera and get a shot (several usually). My picture with these pups is my favorite character photo of the day!
Pace group was officially out of sight. So now, just outside of Animal Kingdom at mile 12.5ish I started on my own race. And I walked all my water breaks without having to worry about trying to catch up. I saw Joe, from the Marathon Show interviewing someone as he ran. After listening to his podcast of the race, it was a guy from the UK that he knew from a previous race (and they were wearing similar shirts). I saw a large, furry pig on a leash. And a goat. I used a real bathroom in the Animal Kingdom! Washed my hands in a sink! And got some water from the water fountain before continuing on. Felt so decadent!
We exited Animal Kingdom to find loads of people outside the park cheering us along. It was such a great surprise to see so many people. Bigger surprise yet was that Phil was there, too!! He gave me another big thumbs up and said he'd see me at Epcot (with the kids who got to sleep in).
Mickey was waiting as we left Animal Kingdom. |
My plan before leaving home, after studying the race route map, was to have my music at the ready once we had left Animal Kingdom. Once you get out of the parking lot area at mile 14, it seemed like it could get a bit tough, distraction wise until we got to Disney Hollywood Studios at mile 22.5-ish. The course looped us through the ESPN Wide World of Sports complex where the Expo was held, but I seldom enjoy looping around almost like switchbacks where you are hit in the face with how far you still have to go. So as we left Animal Kingdom and turned out onto Osceola Parkway, I dug out my phone and earbuds, and plugged in.
I was good for a mile or so with the tunes, but then I realized that the toes on my left foot were feeling a bit off. I did a quick eval of my gait. Didn't think I was striking differently than usual, so just tried to ignore the feet and kept moving on. By the time we got to the ESPN park (mile 17) my toes were screaming, not to be ignored. I grabbed a tylenol at a medical tent (got a red letter T Sharpied onto my hand) and while there grabbed some BioFreeze to slather on my right leg which was now sending empathy noises to my toes. The combination of stopping and BioFreezing was much appreciated by my lower limbs, so I added in visits to each and every medical tent until the end of the race.
Highlights of running through the ESPN complex were running on the very cushy track (as much as I hate track work, my feet were campaigning to just run the remaining 8 miles looping around the track) and running the outfield of the baseball stadium. Just after leaving the baseball stadium, at the next water station, the 4:45 pace group caught me! And they were walking the water breaks! I joined their ranks, happy to have a bobbing balloon to follow again. I turned off the tunes and tried to enjoy the sounds of the spectators cheering and the conversations among the runners (although there really wasn't a whole lot of talking going on). After about a mile and a half I realized that the bobbing balloon was drifting further away and I couldn't for the life of me get my legs to move faster to keep up. It was the wierdest, most depressing thing I've experienced in a long while. I was on my own again. I gave in to some walk breaks, 15-20 seconds every half a mile or so, and kept trying to calculate whether or not I could finish sub 5 hours.
Left ESPN, back to the Osceola Pkwy and then took the first exit onto World Drive towards Hollywood Studios. As we cruised up the on ramp, we passed the green army man from Toy Story telling us to "GO, GO, GO!". And then before I knew it, I was turning into Hollywood Studios and only a 5K left to go!! We left Buena Vista drive and turned a hard right onto Cypress Drive, and then left on to Theater of the Stars Drive, which is almost like an out and back, running parallel to where we were on World Drive. Saw the Earful Tower (the water tower with mouse ears) and then entered the costume and materials building that is a part of the Studio Backlot Tour. Highlight here was the young (younger than me) guy, extremely fit wearing lycra running shorts and a well-fitted tank, singing along with the piped in music from know the one. The mice are making her a dress. He caught up to me just as he was belting out the line "leave the sewing to the women". Cracked me up and gave me a much needed boost of smile power.
Left that building and just as we were heading onto New York Street, I saw Mike and Sully from Monsters, Inc. Toes agreed that a photo with those two would be great, so I had a quick stop there, and then it was on my way through New York! Turned past the coffee shop where we had hidden from the rain on Thursday and then we were running past the huge sorcerers hat and even bigger crowds of people! It was about 10:45 so I'm pretty sure that the park was officially open and there were people everywhere. It was wonderful and horrible all at the same time. I really wanted to walk. Often and for longer stretches. But pride wouldn't let me do it with so many people around. And it was nonstop people from here until the finish. Good. And bad.

Left Hollywood Studios and ran along the connector path to the resorts and Epcot that follows along a lake/lagoon thing. It was lovely and I wish I hadn't been hurting so much as it was a rather painful blur. People were sitting on the grass, picnic style, chearing on runners as we approached the Disney Boardwalk and the Yacht and Beach Club Resort. I stopped for oranges and water and sponges. Any official opportunity to walk was fully embraced!
Our turn into Epcot happened so suddenly. I was really taken by surprise (a very good thing!). One minute we were running past the yacht club, then we turned to the right passed our last water stop and passed through the gates into England! And Epcot. The water stop was probably in Epcot, but I didn't feel it until I saw those red phone boxes and smelled the chipper. Mile 25 was right as we crossed the bridge into France. I glanced down at my watch and knew that there was no way I'd be in the 4's. Oh well. Kept moving, shuffling and in China I saw Mooshoo! Love that character from Mulan, plus now I love any official reason to stop.....

Just as I was stepping away from Mooshoo and getting my phone back, I heard the most lovely sound....Alex' voice! My cheering squad had decided to split up, Kate and Phil at the finish, and Alex came into Epcot, waiting for me along International Road (his favorite of all the locations that Disney has to offer). He said he knew I'd have to stop and take a picture with Mooshoo! I gave him a hug, and my earbuds, and continued along, so excited to be almost finished.
I stopped for two more pictures, one with Jasmine and one with 2 of the 3 Caballeros, and then it was past the big Epcot Planet Earth and around the corner past the choir, hallelujah! I had .2 miles to go! I searched the "grassy knoll" (where we had waited for Phil during the half) for Kate and Phil but there were so, so many people....then I was approaching the finish line and Donald Duck stepped up and gave me a huge high-four and I was over the line! Just after crossing I heard Phil yell out my name from the stands. It was great to see them up there!

I continued moving through, left foot now officially declaring that it was done with me, so after I got my space blanket and medal, I headed over to the self-serve medical area. I had noticed people getting their feet looked at when I'd stopped at the medical tents along the route and thought that maybe these guys could fix me up. I grabbed some bags of ice just to stick on my quads and knees and inquired about some help with potential blisters. They directed me to the official medical tent.
Waiving naively as I go to the medical area, |
They triage at the gate before you even get to the tent. I said I thought I had a blister on my left foot. She jotted down some info (bib number, name and chief complaint) and then escorted me into the tent. Once in the tent, they sent me to the orthopaedic side (vs the dehydrated runners on fluids side) where not one, not two but five medics set about helping me! The guy who was officially in charge of me was a blister virgin. We took off the shoe and sure enough, my middle toenail was extended out of the nailbed with a whopper of a blister underneath. The medics were oooing and aaawwing, telling the newbie that this was a good one! Then the mentor medic says "you've got another one on this toe, and here's another.... " They got to work draining and bandaiding the toes. I was given some water and laid there enjoying the ice on my legs. Got the sock and shoe back on (ouch!) and was asked if there was anything else. Nope. Feel much better, thanks! Started limping out and realized that maybe I had a blister on the right foot but felt too stupid to say anything. Besides, it wasn't nearly as painful as the left had been so I figured I could handle it myself back in the room.
Couldn't get the 5th medic in the shot. He was to my right.
Left medical, got my box of food and bottles of water and poweraide, and went to find my family. Seeing them standing under the Mc-P sign in the family reunion area was so great! I was so happy to have done the race and so happy to be finished and ready to enjoy our last full day at Disney.
Official Disney results:
Place |
Name |
Bib |
Age |
Div Place |
Gender Place |
5 Mile Split |
10 Mile Split |
Half Split |
20 Mile Split |
Clock Time |
Net Time |
7133 |
4283 |
45 |
277 |
2646 |
51:06 |
1:42:19 |
2:20:49 |
3:42:10 |
5:22:58 |
5:01:36 |
Unofficial Disney results:
Had a GREAT time! Didn't get enough fluids (now I know what rust colored pee looks like), ended up with a total of 6 blisters, 2 toenails that are not long for this world. Had my first ice bath. Brrrr! Would do it again, hands down, wonderful race!