Friday, November 15, 2013

12K x 12K and CW-X Capri

My marathon training plan has me running 14 this week for my long run. The forecast for Sunday, when I would normally go long, is windy and thunderstorms. Not conducive to a happy long run. Some running injuries just happen. Some are avoidable. Lightening strike being one of them. Saturday's forecast is windy and rain. That I can deal with. To hedge my bets, and ensure that I get in the miles (in the wind and rain), I've signed up for an inaugural 12K, The Hustle for Hydrops. It benefits research for hydrops fetalis which is a condition where fluid builds up in 2 or more critical areas in a baby in utero and it is generally fatal. I also have my super-fast high school son running the race, although not with me because he is, um, super-FAST.

In order to get my mileage in for the long run, I basically need to run this 2x. I've been struggling with the order in which I accomplish this. Ideally I would run 7 on my own before the official race and then use the excitement of the race and the ease of water stations to finish the second half. But I don't know that I can time this out just right, without a huge wait, before the race begins. I've resigned myself to doing the race first and then after I cross the finish and grab some water, I'll grab my Sole Mister and he'll finish the 2nd seven with me.

CW-X compression tights and capris. I'm sure most people are aware of them, between seeing them in running stores, magazines and on folks trotting past. I bought a pair of capris a few months back, but didn't start wearing them until 2 weeks ago (it needs to get pretty cold before I give up on shorts). I don't think I love them. I'm not even sure that I like them so much. Problem: I'm petite. Short. Vertically challenged. Call it what you will. These capris do not seem to be "short-friendly". They feel great when I first put them on and hitch everything into place, lining up the knee area as directed. But less than a half mile into my run, everything has shifted and my legs feel uncomfortable. I really want to like these, but I think petite sizing would make a huge difference. I've read a couple of reviews on line (after the purchase, oh well) by other runners close to the ground like me and the experiences are similar. I may try using these post-run on long run days for recovery? Seems a shame to just stick them in a drawer.....

*Above picture not me/mine. Sourced from Google images. But I do have those exact rainbow capris.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Breezy Run and New (Seasonal) Post-Run Recovery Drink

Not breezy in that it was "a breeze" kicking out the 6 miles this morning. Breezy in the 20mph headwind that Mother Nature threw my way for the 3 out. Good resistance training, I guess. Made the 38 degrees on the therm in the house feel a whole lot colder! Wasn't going to wear my hat, but after letting the dogs out one last time before leaving and having that cold air hit me, grabbed it and my gloves (which were not going either since my shirt has the foldover sleeve/pouch thingy).

Speaking of dogs:

"None shall pass!"  They were not too happy that I was not grabbing leashes as I headed for the door. 
And move over chocolate milk! My new favorite post-run recovery drink is Silk Nog! While I do like the taste of soy milk, this does not taste like soy milk AT ALL! Lovely eggnog flavor without the, um, egg. I don't not eat or drink dairy, or for that matter eggs, but as this was on sale at the grocery this week and I like making my own eggnog lattes at home, figure I'd give it a try. Very yummy!  And for recovery, it's got 3 grams protein, 2 grams fat and 15 grams carb. Plus it has calcium and iron. I think this shall be my seasonal recovery go-to!


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crunchy Season

No sneaking up on anything this time of year. Eight paws and 2 feet make quite a ruckus of crackling and snapping through the woods with all the leaves on the ground. Went though the remains of Monday's snow on the lower portions (and North facing) of the route. First snow for the O-scar. And his first outing since getting stitches removed from both back feet. He was a very happy boy!