Monday, February 17, 2014

Love All This Snow...Wish I Could Get Out and Enjoy It!

There is nothing I love more than the muffled quiet of snow covered trails. Our first winter back in Illinois was a huge snow winter. Lots of days of snow covered trails. My favorite thing was to be the first out on a few of our favorites, my footprints being the first. Then the next two were a little sparse. But this winter has been fantastic! Record snow for many parts of our state. It snowed a bunch on Friday, a little more on Saturday and today has been nonstop, mostly snow, some ice, since about 7am (it's almost 2:30 now). We even had snow thunder! I keep thinking about how amazing the trails would be for a hike with the dogs....sigh.

Our bench out back does a pretty good job of illustrating how high the snow is in the backyard. There are drifts throughout the yards (front and back) that are higher, but this is pretty indicative of the average amount of snow that will start melting this week. It's going to get soupy.


  1. I love being the first tracks out on the snow! Hope it doesn't get too soupy, few things are worse than muddy pups after a run.

    1. So far, no soup! It has stayed nice and cold and frozen....and while I don't look forward to hosing off Oscar post-trail, I am looking forward to the thaw.
