Friday, January 3, 2014

Current Pain vs. Future Races

My 18 mile long run in prep for the Disney Marathon (next weekend) was tough due to the snow and ice on the ground. I ran most of it outside with my newly screwed shoes and did the final 3 and change on my treadmill. Felt pretty sore the next day, figured it was normal and rested and iced, then on Tuesday went out for a 5 mile run. Didn't feel awful but didn't feel quite right either. Tuesday night couldn't sleep. Tossed and turned with pain in my right hip and down through my knee. Wednesday I was not only tired, but any abductive movement (like moving my foot from the accelerator to the brake pedal as I was running Christmas errands) was excruciatingly painful. It got to the point where I would use my hand to lift my leg to assist in the gas to brake movement. I got an appointment for the next day with my doctor who also specializes in sports med. Thursday there was almost no pain, but I went anyway to see the doctor. Based on my description of the pain locations, and a description of a misstep in the snow less than a mile into my long run that prbably was the cause of the pain, he suggested that I pulled my sartorius muscle. Told me to stay off of it the entire weekend, gave me a heavy duty anti-inflammatory (Meloxicam) and said to be cautious when resuming running.

Well, it's been two weeks later and I have only gotten in 24 miles, most on the tread because the roads and trails have been dodgy and I don't want to risk a spill with an already weakend leg. Ran 5 on the tread yesterday and I am in pretty big pain today, inner hip/outer knee being the pain points. My plan is no more running until race day. I'll hit the gym tomorrow and spin on a bike for a bit and see how that feels, but I think it's stretching and resting for now.

Muscle in red is the sartorius.

For spring 2014, races that I hope to participate in depending on what is actually going on with my leg include:

March 29: Clinton Lake Ultra (already registered)
April 5: Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon (will register when I get back from Disney....)
May 18: Run River City Marathon Relay (I run this with my husband and two kids...)

I'm still working on some races for the fall. There is a 50K in Michigan and the Hokie Half Marathon that I am thinking about, but I'm waiting until my son makes a decision about which college he is going to go to and when his start date is before actually committing to anything.

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